General Info

Course Content / Syllabus

Fluid properties Basic principles of hydrostatics – pressure measurement, hydrostatic forces on surfaces, buoyancy, stability of floating bodies. Fluid kinematics and dynamics – Langrangian and Eulerian flow, material derivatives, flow field description, mass and volume flow rate, streamlines, streaklines, and pathlines, one-, two- and three- dimensional flows, uniform and non-uniform flows, steady and unsteady flows. Equations of continuity, momentum and energy for macroscopic and differential control volumes, Εuler equations, Bernoulli equation. Potential flow – streamline equations, vorticity, irrotational flow, stream function, Bernoulli equation for irrotational flow, velocity potential. Complex potential, Blasius and Kutta-Joukowski theorems, conformal mapping. Basic two dimensional potential flows – uniform flow, sources and sinks, circulation – free vortices. Superposition of basic two dimensional potential flows - source in a uniform stream—half- body, doublet of source and sink, flow past a cylinder, method of images. Joukowski and airfoil transformation. Use of scientific computing software to solve fluid mechanics problems.

Course Outline

  1. G.B. = General Background, S.B. = special background, S.: Specialised.↩︎